Success Strategies for Law Enforcement
Welcome to! Your number one resource for career transition consulting, educational courses*, and articles to assist you in getting better.
This page is dedicated to providing law enforcement with key information to help in all facets of their careers and lifestyles.
*Educational courses are in production and will be launched upon completion
Finding yourself is as easy as finding the things that make you feel alive and holding on until your breath slows and the demons lie down.
Recent Posts

Being There For Friends
I’d encourage you to be that person to those around you. Check on them. Care for them. Make it a point to understand where they are and provide help when needed. Be an example for others to follow and lean on others when you need help along the way.
The Police Officer’s Survival Guide
This is a chapter book collection of my experiences and advice to police officers from the rookie to the Chief. I dive into the techniques that helped me through my policing journey. From the joys of high-profile arrests to the heartache of fallen officers and the mental health struggles from the job, this book tells the journey of a rookie to a veteran. I also discuss life after law enforcement and some ways to help with the transition into a new chapter.