Do I miss being a police officer?
People often ask me if I miss the job. I do miss it every day. But I miss it like I miss childhood. It's nostalgic. I miss my shiftmates like I miss childhood friends. We had great times together. Stayed up all night. Played cops and robbers. Grew up together and learned through shared experiences.

Code of Culture
You must take the step if you wish to start the journey. You must take the leap to take flight. Oftentimes, we get caught up in thinking that we are too old or uneducated or unqualified that we don't even put ourselves out there for fear of rejection. Or we are scared of what happens if we get it.

Lacking Motivation Doesn’t Make You a Bad Employee
All you have to do is show up. I never had a workout that I regretted when I finished. I never had a hard day’s work I regretted either.

Fish Out of Water
But what I learned is that it's about the effort. It's about showing up. It's about being a part of the team and doing the work. You are going to fall. You are going to drop the ball. That's being human.

Apply Yourself, Not Your Credentials
Find the company that matches your mission. Find a purpose you can get behind. Apply and take a chance. Demonstrate your skillset and what you can bring to the table.

Stay the Course
In an environment that is in flux, it is necessary to truly find your compass. You will not be able to keep up with the pace of change of the world around you, but you can manage your own piece of the world. Focus on the things you can control and do your best at those elements.